Ain't It Cool News (

Did Joaquin Phoenix Pull A Crispin Glover On Letterman's Wednesday LATE SHOW??

I am – Hercules!!
I have a friend who hangs out at the Ed Sullivan Theater and he’s pretty good at alerting me to crazy “Late Show” weirdness that turns up on “The Soup” and “Entertainment Tonight” and the Stern show and the gay gossip blogs shortly thereafter. Here’s what’s doing for Wednesday night’s show:
Joaquin Phoenix was on the show tonight. And it was a bizarre 2 segment interview. He came out looking kind of lost with his big crazy beard, didn't answer questions, seemed rattled when the audience laughed at dave taking some jabs at his weird behavior. It was reminiscent of Crispin Glover.
11:37 p.m. Wednesday. CBS.

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