I am – Hercules!!
ABC says of tonight’s riveting, do-not-miss third hour of “Lost’s” fifth season, written by Elizabeth Sarnoff & Paul Zbyszewski and titled “Jughead”:
Desmond goes in search of a woman who could be the key to helping Faraday stop the island's erratic movements through time.
Locke discovers the identity of the unknown forces who have been attacking the survivors.
Clues in invisotext!
* The promo for tonight’s episode misleads. 5.3 is 100% free of Ben Linus, Kate & Aaron Austen, Jack Shephard, Sayid Jarrah, Hurley Reyes and Sun Kwon. You won’t miss them.
* The woman Desmond Hume seeks is indeed Daniel Faraday’s mother.
* Tonight’s episode supplies a great deal of perspective on Daniel Faraday.
* Tonight’s episode supplies a great deal of perspective on Charles Widmore.
* Something dramatic happens to Penny Widmore in the teaser.
* Tonight’s episode was the first to make me notice that the Alan Dale and Dominick Monaghan characters share the same first name.
* Juliet offers tonight a surprising revelation tied, I suspect, to The Others' secret origin.
* “Jughead” refers to neither a person, a cartoon character, a jug or a head.
9 p.m. Wednesday. ABC.

Last year a season of “Alias” cost $45.99. Last week a season cost $37.49. At the moment all seasons are $29.99!!
Don’t Fear The Meld!!

Don’t Fear The Meld!!