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YEAR OF THE DOG Writer-Director Mike White To Star In CBS’ Next AMAZING RACE!!

I am – Hercules!!
Writer-actor-director Mike White is running “The Amazing Race” with his gay pop. White is the “Freaks and Geeks” vet who went on to write “Chuck & Buck,” “Orange County,” “The Good Girl,” “School of Rock” and “Nacho Libre.” He more recently wrote and directed the hilarious and harrowing “Year of the Dog,” one of 2007’s best movies if you’re asking me. As an actor, White played Kim Kelly’s brother in “Geeks” and appeared in “Chuck & Buck,” “Undeclared,” “Orange County,” “The Good Girl,” “School of Rock” and “Pushing Daisies.” Dad Mel White is described as a writer, filmmaker, professor, pastor and gay-rights activist. The Whites will be seen racing against a deaf guy and his mom, a pair of dwarf sibling stuntmen, a pair of sibling Harvard Law grads, a pair of hot redheads, a pair of blonde flight attendants and a pair of twentysomethings from The Bronx. Have a look at all the contestants here. "The Amazing Race" returns to CBS’s Sunday night schedule Feb. 15.

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