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Learn How Comedy Central’s KROD MANDOON AND THE FLAMING SWORD OF FIRE Begins Its Mystical Rampage!!

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“Krod Mandoon and The Flaming Sword of Fire,” a looming series that appears to make sport of “The Lord of the Rings,” “Xena,” and their ilk, hits Comedy Central April 9. The channel describes the premise:
Krod Mandoon and The Flaming Sword of Fire" is a groundbreaking action-comedy set in an ancient fantasy realm. The new Comedy Central series follows reluctant hero Krod Mandoon a thin-skinned and underconfident freedom fighter, who is the last great hope in the struggle against the evil ruler, Chancellor Dongalor. To help fight the great fight, Krod has assembled a band of remarkably ineffectual freedom fighters: Aneka, the beautiful Pagan warrioress whose weapon of choice is sex, Loquasto, the oafish servant with bad aim, Zezelryck, the young warlock whose greatest magical gift is spinning BS, and Bruce, who's simply fabulous. Together, they must overcome a myriad of evil obstacles in their quest to save the world, including name-calling, hired assassins and bad hair days.
The pilot was written by Peter Knight, whose credits include UPN’s “Sweet Valley High” and “Breaker High” and Fox Family’s “Big Wolf On Campus.” Krod is played by Sean Maguire, star of the short-lived CBS sitcom “The Class.” He also played King Leonidas in 2008’s big-screen “300” parody “Meet The Spartans.” The first eight pages of the pilot script:
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