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Movie News

TR2N ...All 3-D!!

Merrick here...
I've been busy playing with myself since learning of TR2N's mega-babe casting (details HERE). Now this news about the film comes in from Ford Fairlane (a previously tested source), and I'm not sure how much energy I have left... Here's what Ford had to say:
I think the masses would love this tidbit of info. Tron 2.0 is going to be shot ENTIRELY in 3-D. They are really excited about what they are going to be doing with the Tron world in 3-D. With new technology, they can actually wear the glasses at the monitors as they shoot & it will show them exactly how the 3-D will look so that they can get exactly what they are looking for. If there has ever been a world that 3-D would totally embrace, I think it would be the world of Tron. Specifically, we are going to get a first person view from inside of a light cycle in the film. That should be a lot of fun.
There's so much to imagine here...

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