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Character Actor Paul Benedict Has Died

Hey, everyone. “Moriarty” here. If you know him, you most likely know him as Mr. Bentley from THE JEFFERSONS. He was the crazy English neighbor who became more and more important to the show as the seasons wore on, and for good reason: he was the funniest thing the show had to offer, consistently. I’ve always been a bit confused as to why he didn’t work more after that show went off the air. Maybe it was harder to shake off a ten-year run on a sitcom. Maybe casting directors just couldn’t get past it. But for whatever reason, he had a minor key film career. He’s good in the sadly underrated Michael Ritchie film SMILE, I loved him in THE FRESHMAN, he had a few great moments as David Warner’s butler in the deliciously weird THE MAN WITH TWO BRAINS, and Christopher Guest has used him a few times in his various mockumentaries, and Benedict always brought the goods. Born in 1938, he suffered a disease in childhood that led to the oversized jaw and nose that were part of his unique appearance. I know very little about him offscreen, but as someone who grew up on ‘70s TV and ‘70s movies, he was a reliable and always-welcome addition to any comedy cast, and more than anything, I’m just sorry I don’t have more films I can choose from tonight when throwing on something to watch him work.

Drew McWeeny, Los Angeles

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