AICN Exclusive!! You Know That New STAR TREK Trailer?? We Have An Even Cooler Version (In Glorious QuickTime)...
Published at: Nov. 25, 2008, 11:23 p.m. CST by merrick
Merrick here...
A week or two ago, we got our first look at the trailer for J.J. Abrams' new STAR TREK movie (HERE).
As big, splashy, and flashy as it was...there was something missing from that trailer - an element of the film many of us already knew about & wanted to see.
Through the generosity of J.J. & Company, and various Powers That Be at Paramount (THANK ALL OF YOU...very much...for making this possible), we thought we'd kick off your Thanksgiving/Christmas/Holiday season by dropping that little something extra into the trailer. This is pretty much the same material you saw before...but with one little tweak (which is also a rather big tweak).
See what I mean in...