Well folks, here's the latest from the wonderful world of rumor concerning LORD OF THE RINGS. I have no idea who this actor is, and a check on him reveals only that he played a small role in URBAN GHOST STORY, which I did not see. If anyone knows anything about him, post below in Talk Back! And I do believe I found a pic of the man from URBAN GHOST STORY for you folks to judge his Hobbit-ness!

Good news, even if you don't know it yet. I've heard that Billy Boyd, a Scottish actor, is to play the part of Pippin for the duration of the Cycle, currently estimated at 18 months. Billy is probably an unknown to most but for those who have seen him on stage the words 'kick arse' are only fit to describe him. Those going to the Edinburgh Fringe this year can see him in 'The Speculator' by David Greig at The Traverse theatre.
If this is the calibre of casting of 'wee' parts, then we are in for a top treat of a film.