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OBAMA IS PRESIDENT! I'm really damn happy right now! Hope you are too!

Hey folks, Harry here... I VOTED with my beard off! That's how serious I am about voting this time out! That's right, I shaved my precious bit of second chin fur, just so I'd be an extra bit clean cut for this election. Ok - technically it was for my Halloween costume, I was the Indian killer from BODY DOUBLE (photos at my Facebook or Myspace.) But I purposefully did not grow it back out for the Election. Ahem. Seriously though - Get out and VOTE today. For the last 2 years this Election has been dominating our media in this country - and we're about to have the results tonight, but will you be represented in all those tallys? If you're not voting, I hope it's because you're either not a citizen or you're too young to vote. Otherwise, VOTE! Seriously - Get away from your computer and VOTE! Get out and VOTE - call some friends and see if they need a ride, perhaps your grandparents, hell - make it a block party to go vote. And to prove I voted, I've got my nifty "YO VOTE'" sticker! I decided to get the Spanish sticker, cuz I've never seen one of those before. Very Cool! Feel free to feedback on the election below...

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