Ahoy, squirts! Quint here with a very, very long chat I recently had with Jon Favreau. We talk about a lot of things, but the main focus is the current and future state of Marvel Productions and what’s in store for us with IRON MAN 2. Since this is so long, I’m going to break it up into two pieces. You can find the second part linked at the bottom of this one. Keep your eye out for his mention of seeing a presentation of AVATAR footage and how he thinks that’s going to change the industry. Fascinating… He’s not the only one I’ve talked to that has seen this presentation and everybody is convinced it’s a game-changer of a movie. I hope to God they’re right and we’re in for a few decades of James Cameron firing on all cylinders. Also notice the revelation that a certain awesome creative force has joined Favreau and his team to collaborate on the pre-production of IRON MAN 2!! Anyway, some fascinating tidbits below. Keep in mind this chat happened before Don Cheadle replaced Terrence Howard as Rhodes, so that's why we don't cover that bit of news... Enjoy the interview!
Jon Favreau: I’ve been… I just finished a draft of COUPLES RETREAT, a film I’m writing and Vince (Vaughn)’s producing, Peter B(illingsley) is directing… so that’s cool.
Quint: That sounds good. Is it a comedy?
Jon Favreau: Yeah, it’s a romantic comedy. Well, not romantic comedy… it’s four couples who go away to an island retreat that focuses on therapy and it’s a beautiful vacation, we are shooting in Bora Bora, but they all end up in therapy sessions and one couple, which is Jason Bateman’s couple… It’s me, Faizon, Vince, and Jason Bateman as the four guys. We go there and Jason’s having issues and his buddies are all worse for the wear.
Quint: That’s awesome, I love Faizon. I saw him at the IRON MAN premiere and I really wanted to go up and shake his hand, because I have totally become a huge fan of his watching DINNER FOR FIVE and I think he’s one of the funniest guys ever, like when he’s going off about Ice Cube and all of that stuff, I don’t think I have ever laughed as hard in my life.
Jon Favreau: He is so funny. I’m like “You should do more stand up.” He’s been doing that more and more. I love writing for him. I met him on THE REPLACEMENTS and then I wrote MADE and I wrote him into MADE and then I cast him in ELF and we always been looking for something, like we have tried to set up TV stuff for him. I really like his voice; he’s kind of like a Jackie Gleason.
Quint: I can see that.
Jon Favreau: On one side he sort of has that rough exterior, but he really has a big heart. I just like those types of characters and he’s just… I have a much easier time writing when I know the person and really like them and know their voice, so the fact that I could write this for the four of us and we knew who they were going to be, it made it a very easy script for me.
Quint: And you said that this the one that Billingsley is directing?
Jon Favreau: Yeah, Peter B is directing it.
Quint: That’s really awesome.
Jon Favreau: Yeah.
Quint: That’s cool, has he been wanting to get into directing for a while?
Jon Favreau: Yeah, we sort of pressed him into it, more than, I’m sure, he wanted to, when he has experience in that area. He’s you know he knows that you know that he knows everything about production and behind the scenes, and often times he would…you know I’d send him off with other units to grab stuff and even with performers on IRON MAN, so that was great comfortable with that Vince has collaborated with him a lot as well and then when we saw how this was all timing out with IRON MAN 2… You know it was…we really wanted to make it now and uh, and there was a little bit of a window while I’m in pre-production but not enough you know I had I was able to do the writing, but directing takes… you know you have to see the whole thing through, so it wouldn’t have been possible to do both films.
Quint: Now I hope that means that we’re not sacrificing an IRON MAN 2 Peter Billingsley cameo.
Jon Favreau: Um, I…(laughs) I don’t know, yeah I don’t know if we’re going to Stark Industries, but he’s definitely part of the team.
Quint: He’s got to have the haircut again.
Jon Favreau: I know! Everybody looked at him and said, “Why did you shave your head for a one day role?” But I like that kind of commitment. It’s like RUDY.
Quint: Well, you’re going to have to forgive me because I haven’t watched the Blu-Ray yet because I came home and my PS3 had shit the bed, so I don’t have a Blu-Ray player. I have the disc sitting right in front of me, but I can’t watch it.