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Latest Casting Rumor on LORD OF THE RINGS...

The latest rumor I've heard about LORD OF THE RINGS in terms of casting is in regards to SAM. Now this is an incredibly hard piece of casting in that, whoever the role goes to... Well, they've got to be a perfect match for Frodo. Now we know that Elijah Wood is Frodo, so who should be Sam? The latest I've heard from my folks in Peter's camp (though curiously not a peep from Peter himself... hmmmmm) is that he is leaning towards Sean Astin. Yep, the original Goonies kid. I got this bit on Saturday and have spent my time thinking about that guy with the sort of material that Peter is going to be giving him to work with and... After watching RUDY... I think maybe he just might work. Though I anticipate about a billion, "ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY!!!" rants down below in Talk Back... However, can you easily picture the adult Sean Astin? For all intents and purposes, the kid is an unknown by today's standards... And perhaps he might just work... Rant away...

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