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Vern's Got A Contest For You, Sponsored By Seagal's KILL SWITCH On DVD!

Hello fellow Seagalogists and others, Steven Seagal's latest and most recent, KILL SWITCH, arrives on DVD October 7th. Here's the trailer:
Seagal plays a Memphis homicide detective chasing two unrelated serial killers while committing atrocities against dentistry and possibly juggling more than one family. Also he had a twin brother who was murdered during a birthday party - it's kind of a long story. Isaac Hayes is in it for a minute too. And there's a part about a dead clown. I know in the talkbacks and stuff alot of you are always saying how you wish you could get a free KILL SWITCH STEVEN SEAGAL DVD LIBRARY including 11 important Steven Seagal titles. Well that's quite a coincidence because to celebrate this historic release (and also some movie called CYBORG SOLDIER that comes out the same day) some guy who contacted me would like to give away exactly that, a KILL SWITCH STEVEN SEAGAL DVD LIBRARY. For some reason they won't allow me to say the full lineup, but it's a pretty good one that includes what I consider his most badass picture as well as his recent returning-to-form duo, which I bet most of you don't own. Oh yeah, international readers, I assume these are probaly region 1 NTSC, not sure about that but be warned that's a likelihood. For some reason the proprietors of this KILL SWITCH STEVEN SEAGAL DVD LIBRARY chose me to give away their prize. I should probaly come up with something "fun" or "creative" to do with it, but I still feel guilty that that one guy broke his hand driving a monster truck just to win a Playstation 3 in that SEAGALOGY contest I hosted. So this one is gonna be simple and safe. In the talkback below, please tell me why you feel YOU should win this KILL SWITCH STEVEN SEAGAL DVD LIBRARY. Go ahead and be clever or whatever, but sincerity counts. At the end of the day on Friday I will choose one KILL SWITCH STEVEN SEAGAL DVD LIBRARY WINNER and I will have to contact you through the talkback I guess so check back if you hope to win. --Vern

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