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Claudette Under Pressure!!
Capone’s Seen THE SHIELD 7.5!!

I am – Hercules!!
The good news is FX has already forwarded to journalists 11 of “The Shield’s” final 13 episodes. The bad news is the channel has promised the press will not see the final two until they’re aired. So, clearly, hugeness awaits in episode 12. What if Vic doesn’t make it to the finale and the final episode is all about Dutch and Claudette and the gay guy picking up the pieces? AICN’s man in Chicago, the wily Capone, has details on tonight’s installment: Hey everyone. Capone in Chicago here in Coaxial. There are eight episodes and counting in "The Shield's" Final Act, and I've just gotten some tragic news (for me, anyway): FX will not be supplying journalists with the final two episodes of this legendary series. And while I'm disappointed, I'm not crying foul either. I'd suspected the network would withhold at least the final episode from anyone who might leak the fate of our favorite Barn-yard cops. Now be honest: how many of you have bets with your buddies as to the fate of Vic Mackey? What do the Vegas odds say? Will he go out in a blaze of glory? Will he simply go down with a humiliating whimper? I have absolutely nothing to back my theory that Dutch may have something to do with Mackey's fate. They've been playing up his character a whole lot this season, and he was essentially our entry point into the Barn at the show's birth. His first day was our first day. I'm just guessing or perhaps wishfully thinking. When last we left Vic (Michael Chiklis), Councilman Aceveda had just revealed that upon a detailed search through the blackmail box, he discovered the name of a certain FBI Agent that has been helping Vic and his team solve major big-ticket investigations of late. Here's a rundown of episode five of Season 7. Title? GAME FACE Writer? Charles E. Eglee, a solid veteran writer of many a TV drama, has scripted multiple episodes of such shows as "St. Elsewhere," "L.A. Law," "NYPD Blue," "Murder One," and 10 previous episodes of "The Shield." In addition, he and James Cameron co-created "Dark Angel," the pilot for which Eglee wrote. Director? A bright young director by the name of Michael Chiklis, who has directed three previous episodes of the show in which he stars. How does the strike team react to the news that Agent Murray (Laurie Holden) has been in Pezuela the entire time they've been working with her? The Strike Team and Aceveda convene at the Barn and contemplate the possibility that Murray might be holding onto the info she's gathered on them rather than turning it over to the Mexicans. They figure their goose would have been cooked a long time ago if she'd ratted them out. Murray brings the team on a case about a Cuban drug lord trying to clean money in a blue jeans business, but the jeans business's owner's daughter is kidnapped, so the team seeks her out mainly to stay close to Murray. Hey, don't other people do police work at "The Barn"? Claudette (CCH Pounder) confronts Dutch (Jay Karnes) about diverting any stress-related cases away from her because of her health. But all his efforts are tossed out the door when Claudette is deposed by a serial killer (acting as his own attorney) she helped put away last season (fans of the show will recognize him). He brings up the fact that the medication she is taking for her illness has certain side effects that could taint her judgement and powers of observation, perhaps even slightly psychotic. Claudette leaves the interview realizing that from this point forward her condition is making her a liability to the force. She calls in Danni (Catherine Dent) for a talk. Meanwhile Dutch isn't quite done with that possible teen serial killer from last week. He meets with an FBI profiler about the kid, who in turn meets with the teen posing as a therapist. In a strange twist, Dutch also consults Claudette's serial killer/lawyer about the kid. This is a creepy and revealing sequence, and one of the best of the season so far. We know things are bad in Vic's professional life. How bad are things getting in his personal life? Vic's ex, Corrine (Cathy Cahlin Ryan) comes to the Barn to tell him that Cassidy (Autumn Chiklis) has been suspended for taking drugs and attending a "pimps & ho's" party. What about the Cuban girl? Her disappearance seems to be tied in with a chop shop ring, but when the Strike Team shows up to one such shop, they find three dead bodies waiting for them. Seems the Cubans are at least one step ahead of Mackey. When the team figures out where the girl is being held, they recruit a gang to pose as robbers (placing Julien, Michael Jace, in their masked midst), so the girl can escape during the supposed robbery. It's a elaborate plan that is bound to go wrong during the execution. So what to do about the blackmail box? Realizing that giving up the blackmail box to the Feds might buy them points, Shane convinces Ronnie to make Vic give it up. When the idea is presented to Vic, he finally has to confess that he doesn't have it. What I liked. I'm torn about the kidnapped Cuban girl storyline. On the one hand, it's disturbing and well written. On the other hand, it distracts us from the Mexican-Armenian through-line, which is becoming my object of obsession these days. Also, everything Dutch touches these days is turning to gold. His relationships with Claudette, Billings (David Marciano), Danni, and those he is investigating (Frances Fisher returns this week as well as the teen's mother) are becoming increasingly fascinating. He's the quieter heart and soul of "The Shield" these days. What I didn't like. Why won't FX send me the final two episodes? Why? Why?! WHY?!!!!! Why do I even make this a subject heading any more. There's nothing worth complaining about. How does it end? Three climaxes, all taking place at every level of Mackey's existence. He confronts Agent Murray about where her true loyalties lie. Vic also goes after the kid that supposedly arranged the party that got his daughter in trouble. Turns out he wasn't the one who organized the party or got the drugs. Danni goes to Vic with some papers from her lawyer. -- Capone


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