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Download Two FRIGHT NIGHT Commentaries! For Real!

Beaks here... As promised in my Stephen Geoffreys interview, IconsofFright has posted two (2) "guerrilla" commentaries for your listening delectation.
Click here to download both of 'em!
Originally, Tim Sullivan, the man largely responsible for the recent flurry of FRIGHT NIGHT-related material around these parts, was gunning for one cast-and-crew reunion commentary, but Chris Sarandon had to bow out at the last second due to unforeseeable circumstances. Fortunately, Sullivan was able to get Sarandon to record a "vampires only" commentary with Jonathan "Billy Cole" Stark and writer-director Tom Holland before he left town. These commentaries would've been woefully incomplete without Jerry Dandrige. The second commentary features writer-director Holland, William Ragsdale, Stephen Geoffreys and f/x maestro Randall William Cook (three-time Oscar winner for LORD OF THE RINGS). It's "hosted" by Sullivan and kinda-sorta moderated by, um, me. I really do hope you enjoy it. And I apologize in advance for slipping up right out the gate by crediting Holland with the wrong PSYCHO sequel. Obviously, I know the difference; he did the one without Jeff Fahey. And keep your fingers crossed for a FRIGHT NIGHT DVD announcement sometime in the near future. You never know what might be in the works!

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