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Travolta and Scorsese's RAT PACK film...DINO

Hey there you guys and gals! Harry here. We've heard alot in the past about this DINO project of Marty's... and as it says here... they're "committed in principle" The problem is they are having problems getting the script right where they want it. I've read an early draft of Scorsese's project, and in alot of ways it read a bit like the Neal Moritz produced HBO film... which I kinda dug personally.

Ya know... there's a part of me that would just say... To hell with how it really happened, and treat that Rat Pack like Robin Hood. As legends. It's kinda like THE MAN WHO SHOT LIBERTY VALANCE... Print the legend. Because in my mind, and with the knowledge we've all heard of the wild tales they lived... Don't you just want to see that story that nobody ever talked about? But you whispered about... My biggest fear is that this'll end up being one of those projects we spend 20 years hearing about but never see. But what a cast... It could be a lot of fun...

got this off of MSN... not too much but...

... John Travolta has "committed in principle" to playing Frank Sinatra opposite Tom Hank's Dean Martin in a biography of the Rat Pack, to be directed by Martin Scorsese, according to the Ottawa Sun. "Marty just can't get the script he wants," Travolta told the paper, "otherwise we're all there."


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