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Will Smith to play the Nubian Pharaoh Taharqa in THE LAST PHARAOH written by Randall Wallace!

Hey folks, Harry here... Michael Fleming over at Variety is reporting that Randall Wallace (BRAVEHEART guy) is writing a script for Will Smith and Columbia called THE LAST PHARAOH based upon Taharqa's life as pharaoh of Egypt from 690 BC to 664 BC. His father was a Nubian king that conquered Egypt. According to Fleming the film is focussing on the battles with Esarhaddon, who ruled the Assyrians at the time. It'll be interesting to see how the film is played out, as historically - Taharqa did defeat the Assyrians on their first battle 677, but just a few years later the Assyrians defeated and conquered Egypt causing Taharqa to flee into lower Egypt, where he caused trouble before ultimately being defeated by Esarhaddon's son Assurbanipal before again fleeing and ultimately dying in his homeland of Nubia. The basic structure is there for a BRAVEHEART style story, but this will be a very challenging role for Will Smith - who will need to shed his very modern feel. But this is exactly the sort of project that I'd like to see him stretch to do! Very interesting project! For more info on Taharqa - check this page out!

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