Ahoy, squirts! Quint here with something really cool thanks to our friends at Marvel.
Over the next three days you’ll get to see some exclusive art from their upcoming comic adaptation of Stephen King’s classic novel THE STAND, illustrated by Mike Perkins and written by Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa as well as interviews with those two gentlemen.
Today kicks off that three-day event with a look at two pieces of art. First up is the cover for the second issue (click to make big):

Nice, huh?
One danger of doing THE STAND as a book is watching it deballed. I don’t know about you guys, but after seeing Mick Garris’ noble and still kinda likable attempt at a network TV version of the movie, the only way I want to see another adaptation is if they go all the way with the horror of it, sell the hardcore aspects of Captain Trips and The Walkin’ Dude’s evil.
The second piece I’m going to premiere tonight kind of assuages those fears. Behold Captain Trips (click to make big):

Tomorrow I’ll be back with an interview with a chat with the illustrator, Mike Perkins as well as some more visual goodies.
With this and The Dark Tower series going on at Marvel, it’s a good time to be a Stephen King fan.