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Guy Ritchie’s SHERLOCK HOLMES Is …

I am – Hercules!!
Robert Downey Jr. is aboard to play the titular coke-craving big brain of Baker Street in Guy Ritchie’s “Sherlock Holmes” over at Warner Bros. Ritchie has been polishing the project's script by Tony Peckham ("Don't Say A Word"). Ritchie's directorial credits include "Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels," "Snatch," "Swept Away," "Revolver" and the Halloween 2008 release "RocknRolla." The Warner project is not to be confused with Judd Apatow's untitled Sherlock Holmes comedy with Will Ferrell and Sacha Baron Cohen over at Sony, which is being written by the guy who scripted "Tropic Thunder" (which coincidentally also stars Downey). Will another American play John Watson? Or does Jason Statham top the short list for the detective's physician sidekick? Read all of Variety’s story on the matter here.

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