Ain't It Cool News (

THE WIRE’s Amy Ryan Keeps
Her Chair At Dunder Mifflin!!

I am – Hercules!!
Amy Ryan, whose Holly Flax character replaced Toby Flenderson as the Dunder Mifflin Scranton-branch human resources officer, will return to “The Office” for at least five segments this fall. Flax and dimwitted branch manager Michael Scott seemed to take a romantic interest in each other in the show’s 4th-season finale, but that blossing romance seemed mowed down by unexpected news from Scott’s ex-girlfriend Jan. Ryan is well-known to “The Wire” fans as Jimmy McNulty’s love interest for four seasons, and earned an Oscar nomination for “Gone Baby Gone.” Read all of Variety’s story on the matter here.

The Office 4.x

The Wire 5.x

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