Ahoy, squirts! Quint here with 1 of 2 pieces featuring Pitdoc's photo work at this year's NY Licensing Show. The second piece focuses on animated projects and this one has a ton of stuff on GI Joe and a sweet looking poster for WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE! Enjoy!
Hi folks ,Pitdoc here with another series of images from the Licensing Show in NYC. Once again..a disappointing year.. Disney had nothing visible for new projects. Warners didn't promote the Dark Knight ..much ( at least 2 yrs ago they had the Batmobile ) , and , of course.. MARVEL.... this should have been their year; what with two great tentpoles to start off their solo producing. what did they have at their booth? Pictures of animated features!! ( Including what looks like a Marvel BABIES thing that..oh, how I weep).They should have had props from Iron Man, or the hulk, and posters talking about the new movies to come..Nope,, another Spiderman cartoon coming next year.. Granted . this is a Licensing show.. but they should have stepped up.. The ONLY image that really had me salivating was a 15 foot wall picture from...Where the Wild Things are.. but thats all the info you might get on that movie.But it makes me want to see it..yesterday.. I'm sure other people might appreciate some new images from GI Joe ( though they might already be out) or some of the Hentai stuff ( I remember one year everyone was drooling over TMNT, which I took as an afterthought. So enjoy what you might not have already seen..And as an afterthought, NEXT year this show will be in Vegas, so they might be more movie centric Pitdoc