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Why do these shots from the filming of "Corporate Headquarters" look suspiciously like the Starfleet Academy?

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. You know, I like JJ Abrams' desire to keep secrets. I like the idea of going to the cinema and not having the entire film spilled out for me via trailers, tv spots, making of books, etc. Plus, it makes it fun to get little bits of snuck info and images. The production, using the working title CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS, recently filmed at CSUN's Oviatt Library and a reader went on a photo-hunting expedition for us. Apparently he went into the future looking at the date stamp on the pics. You don't get much more than crowd shots of extras in costume, but notice the familiar short skirts (yay!) and a weird looking rocket car thing... Make sure to click for the bigger versions! Thanks to our spy on the ground for the pics.

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