DRILLBIT TAYLOR hits this weekend... clips have shown up online!
Published at: March 18, 2008, 1:08 a.m. CST by quint
Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. Okay, I'm hoping the movie's good. I like all involved... I can't say I'm revved up for it, but there is one clip that appeared in a series of strategically planned studio clip releases on YouTube that really makes me laugh.
They started last week and will release more clips as they approach the release of the flick. I honestly didn't find the more recent two clips all that funny (Click here for one of the other clips, with the kid that always plays young Jack Black and a skinny kid beating each other up), but I guess since the first one gives us a parade of great character actors and some actual funny gags I'll post that one below.
Also, keep an eye out for a totally awesome cameo. Seriously, that one cameo in the clip has me psyched to see the rest of the movie, even though I know I've seen all of that one person. It might be a little obscure, but I'm sure some of you out there will get it...