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Oh God... The Signal's real!

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. THE SIGNAL, a small horror flick I love, came out over the weekend. It's not doing all that well and I wondered why... now I think I know... The film is about a mysterious signal that goes out over all televisions. This signal drives anybody who sees it crazy... but in odd ways. What's good about the movie is that these people go insane in their own head, but they retain themselves a bit. It's not like they turn into zombies like in Stephen King's CELL or something like that. Magnolia picked it up when it had a terrific premiere screening at Sundance and then held it for a long time... They released it on something like 200 screens and I don't know how it did in real numbers, but no one's really reporting it, so I don't think it did very well. Now I read this news story at MSNBC. The story is about a man who watched the movie and decided to stab 2 people and run out. So, that's why we have no numbers. It's all evidence now that The Signal drives its audience mad! This is one of those crazy "no shit? That wasn't a publicity stunt?" type stories. I can't believe it happened... I don't believe the movie actually turned this dude crazy (I've seen it twice on the big screen and it didn't make me kill anybody... in the theater, at least), but it makes for an interesting read. Click here to read the whole thing! If the flick is playing near you, give it a shot. I guarantee a good lot of you reading this that pass it up now will wish you saw it on its original release when it is finally discovered on DVD by the hardcores in the near future. It's a blast... just make sure to observe those around you and keep an eye out for sharp instruments.

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