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Does Audrey Tautou's PRICELESS live up to its name?

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. Who doesn't love Audrey Tautou? You show me someone who hates Audrey Tautou and I'll show you an evil, heartless hunk of carbon matter. Here's a look at her new movie, PRICELESS! Enjoy!

Hi if you use this called me chandleyr Priceless is a movie that is about to go theatrical in the United states. It’s full of French stars that almost none of you will know except but one maybe…a little brunette who’s supposed to be from the family of Jesus…well if you believe in that piece of crap that was the Da vinci Code ( and I’m talking about both-the books and the movie) So even if I’m lacking any talents in being subtle I think you’ve guess I was talking about Audrey tautou. The one and only French actress who could break you in two with her smile ( marion cotillard is not that bad in that category too…) So what’s the story of Priceless? If you follow the us advertising it’s as follow “Jean (Gad Elmaleh), a young bartender with what you can called a really boring life, is mistaken for a millionaire by a beautiful seductress named Irene (Audrey Tautou) .That’s where the problem start for him, he decided to fooled her and take advantage of the fact that they are both drunk that night…and they finally have a good time with each other. When Irene discovers his true identity, she abandons him, only to find that a love-struck Jean has no intention of letting her get away. Jean’s comical attempts to gain her affections gradually evolve into setting himself up as a gigolo at a luxury hotel, until Irene finally starts to warm to her persistent, persuasive suitor. That’s a simple summary of the movie, pretty classic one but if you decided to trust the Geeky French way of decrypting a movie, let me tell you that it is maybe one of the most twisted love story you will see this year. If you want to compare this movie and what Audrey Tautou make her costar endure you will have to think about the Korean movie called my sassy girl ( who was supposed to be remake in your country?). She just make him miserable when she realize he has fooled her. You see the point here is simple, the character of Audrey Tautou is a fragile woman who hide her real persona behind the aspect of a seductive and cold as ice bitch. And when she saw that this mr nobody is able to see threw her like none of the other she start to have a pretty simple reaction: She freak out! And decide to do her best “biatch moves” to push him away once and for all. But the problem with this mr Nobody is that behind his dummy aspect he’s far more clever than expected. And that’s right from this moment that the movie decided to play it the other way around. Mr Nobody put his “biatch mode on” and decide to hit back every punch the little lady has thrown at him. ( Don’t worry they do not fight) To have a pretty clear image of Gad Elmaleh (the male lead) you have to imagine an hybrid between Charlie chaplin and the Slapstick humor of Jim Carrey. This guy is brilliant and you will have a lot of fun to watch him transform a nobody to a gigolo during the movie. That’s because of this transformation that the character of Audrey Tautou will start to realize the mistake she has made by making him miserable and pushing him on the dark side of the force…Will they finish together and have a lot of Baby shrek? I won’t ruin that for you but let’s say that’s it’s a very clever and satisfying ending that’s stay in tune with the atmosphere of the film: Gentle subtle and classy like a little masterpiece called “To catch a thief”. The principal strength of this movie is Audrey Tautou, ( I admit I’ve stopped being rational with her after seeing amelie from Montmartre- I know I’m a living cliché, but I go for it happily, yeap I’m in love with this actress!) There’s some kind of urban legend on movie set that says( ok I made that up to look a bit more intelligent than usual ^^) “ to make an actor look good on screen you have to feel something really strong for him or work at Ilm…but that’s another story. Pierre salvadori must definitely be in love too with Audrey TAUTOU because as far as I try to remember I’ve never saw her being so cute sexy classy and so freakin damn hot on screen. Every time she’s there you don’t look anywhere else and your mind stay focus. Which on the back of you brain can lead to a slight dilemma when you start to realize that from the start you’re falling for a character who is a real bitch. That’s where she’s really good and fit perfectly her character like the men on screen she easily do what she want of the audience. Priceless don’t fall in Hollywood mainstream category, it’s a classy little indy movie that capture you’re heart and never let him go till the end credits start. And right at this moment you will realize that somebody has left a little gift on your face. A smile like the one you have when you’ve seen something truly unexpected that was definitely coming out of the blue. Have fun Chandleyr from the saturdaygeekfeever

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