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Moriarty’s Got Some HD International INDY 4 Trailer Links For You!

Hey, everyone. “Moriarty” here. I’m amazed how angry people are at me for not thinking the INDY 4 trailer is the greatest thing since ever. My problems are more with the way it’s cut than anything, folks. I’m still hoping with fingers crossed that INDY 4 kicks all sorts of ass and is a ridiculous good time at the theater in May. I just think the pacing in the trailer is strange, and there’s no single shot that wowed me. It looks okay, and I just don’t think “okay” is the message you send when it’s the first film you’ve made with this character in almost 20 years. But if you loved the trailer, good. That’s cool. I wanted to make sure you have a chance to see the best quality version of it, so I’ve spent a few days hunting down some links that will allow you to download HD quality versions of the uncensored, un-MPAA fucked with trailer. And, yes, the edits were done because there is an MPAA rule that no gun can be pointed directly at someone in the same frame in a trailer. It’s for no other reason than that. I can’t explain the American flag addition, but that doesn’t really phase me. I just hate being coddled by the ratings board, and if it doesn’t bother you to be treated like an idiot, then by all means, tell me I am overreacting and move on. I’d like to just see the trailer the way it was cut and not have someone “protect” me from the horrors of a fake machine gun pointed at an actor. Here’s a gold idol sized version of the trailer. This one’s about the size of Short Round. Then here comes the freakin’ rolling boulder sized version! Run! You can right-click-and-save any of those links. Enjoy.

Drew McWeeny, Los Angeles

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