Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. The news of Marisa Tomei's casting hit last night and then today I get a nice little nugget from a reader who attended a wrestling match taken over by Aronofsky and crew for their new movie. Here's the report and the footage! Rourke looks as badass as I expected him to. Can't wait for this one! Enjoy!
Thought I would send you some footage of The Wrestler from this past Saturday being filmed at the CZW (Combat Zone Wrestling) show in South Philadelphia in what was the legendary ECW arena. Three of my friends and I attended and we seemed to be the only ones there who knew who Darren Aronofsky was and who got goosebumps from Mickey Rourke entering in full wrestling attire to Sweet Child 'O Mine by Guns & Roses (ITS THE MOTORCYCLE BOY!!!...ITS FUCKING MARV!!!...THE MAN HAS BATTLED VAN DAMME & DENNIS RODMAN IN THE COLOSSEUM!!!...COME ON PEOPLE!!!). For the most part the crowd was chanting boring between takes or "Fuck Hollywood" and in fact the March 8th CZW show has been titled 'Lights, Camera, CZW...FUCK HOLLYWOOD!". They Filmed the entrances of Rourke's character Randy "The Ram" Robinson and of the Necro Butcher (who actually is a fan favorite in CZW but in the movie is supposed to be a villain that we were to boo with all the energy we could muster to which the hardcore CZW fans decided this is bullshit and there was a small contigent that cheered him because even though it was just for the movie they weren't going to "sell-out"), a bit where The Necro Butcher and Rourke's stunt double brawl in the audience, and the end of the match which is the footage I have sent. At one point while Aronofsky was setting up the in ring action and the crowd was being a bit restless my friend who was filming yelled "We love your Meth commercials" to which Aronofsky smiled and gave us the finger and to which some fans in front of us yelled "YEAH!!! METH!!! WHOO!!!". I would just like to clarify we really do love his Meth Commercials and there was no sarcasm in that statement. Anyway, thought you would enjoy the footage and it seems this movie is going to be something special and not The Burly Man 2: Electric Boogaloo. The footage was shot by mi amigo Officer Bloom and you can call me Captain Ultimo.