Published at: Jan. 31, 2008, 5:18 p.m. CST by headgeek
Hey Universal, Harry here... Typically we get along. We haven't been pissed at each other in a long while. But that's because you've been making pretty good films. And this year was looking very very good. You've got Clooney's LEATHERHEADS - which I'm dying to see. You've got FORGETTING SARAH MARSHALL, which is under the radar right now, but that I've heard really good word on. On July 11th, you've got Guillermo Del Toro's HELLBOY 2 which I'm vibrating in anticipation for. Then there's that ABBA musical MAMMA MIA! which could be amazingly fun... well, will be. I'm a little terrified by the third MUMMY film - but dammit - Abominable Snowmen versus Terracotta Soldiers brought to life - well, it has me giddy. And the talent behind THE TALE OF DESPERAUX has me curious.
I can't conceive of the problems you must have felt were in place to see Mark Romanek leave THE WOLFMAN. That you were set to start shooting in 3 weeks... it's truly a nightmare situation. The artwork that Rick Baker created under Mark's watchful eye is literally stunning. And I know looking at the boards and the make up and the pre-vis that Mark set up - you're looking for a shooter to step in and just deliver the movie that Mark conceived on the schedule you need it shot on.
Well word has reached me, from an incredibly reliable source - that you've settled on Brett Ratner as the director. With the work that Romanek, Baker and Benicio have done - I have no doubt that Brett will capture enough magic to assemble a trailer campaign that will sell the film. But you really need much more than a trailer.
As a studio... as UNIVERSAL STUDIOS - you have very few icons. There's FRANKENSTEIN, DRACULA, THE WOLFMAN, CREATURE FROM THE BLACK LAGOON, THE INVISIBLE MAN, THE BRIDE OF FRANKENSTEIN... they're the characters and the franchises that sealed the launch of UNIVERSAL -- and in the relaunching of these characters - you must be careful.
The direction you were headed in with THE WOLFMAN was exactly right. You had a director that has rock solid visual acumen, but that even better... was a director that sought the soul of his character. That was exploring greatness with the actors. This film could have been a new legendary frontier for the studio.
The decision you're making right now - could reflect badly upon the studio. You already chose poorly when you hired Paul W.S. Anderson to remake DEATH RACE 2000. And I'm betting that as that film is coming in, you're seeing that.
Brett Ratner makes watchable films. Movies that go through your system as if consumed off a soapy plate. They're empty - hollow works. He's a terrible ACTOR's director. His basement is a disco, and the Wolfman has no disco in his soul. This is a PERIOD film - to make a convincing period film you need a director for an eye for details... Someone that knows this world and period. X3 was a financial success - but that was based on an incredibly successful franchise by Singer. Ratner killed it. Made the WORST FILM OF THE SERIES - and Fox sold it brilliantly. Dare to make the great film. STOP. Find a different director... please.
Larry Talbot is cursed enough as is.... do not curse him further with the Ratner. I beg you. Please.