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The TV’s Running Down!!
Season Finale Dates!!

I am – Hercules!! Thanks to the writers’ strike, there are more scripted season finales in January than in any other month this year. These are the ends, my friend. BY DATE: Women’s Murder Club (ABC) Jan. 4 Desperate Housewives (ABC) Jan. 6 Gossip Girl (CW) Jan. 9 CSI (CBS) Jan. 10 Grey’s Anatomy (ABC) Jan. 10 My Name Is Earl (NBC) Jan. 10 30 Rock (NBC) Jan. 10 Family Guy (Fox) Jan. 13 CSI Miami (CBS) Jan. 14 NCIS (CBS) Jan. 15 ER (NBC) Jan. 17 Without A Trace (CBS) Jan. 17 Moonlight (CBS) Jan. 18 Life Is Wild (CW) Jan. 20 Law & Order: SVU (NBC) Jan. 22 Ugly Betty (NBC) Jan. 24 Brothers & Sisters (ABC) Jan. 27 Boston Legal (ABC) Jan. 29 Friday Night Lights (NBC) Feb. 8 Cashmere Mafia (ABC) Feb. 13 Scrubs (NBC) Feb. 14 Psych (USA) Feb. 15 Prison Break (Fox) Feb. 18 Samantha Who? (ABC) Feb. 18 Nip/Tuck (FX) Feb. 19 Las Vegas (NBC) Feb. 22 Monk (USA) Feb. 22 Medium (NBC) March 3 Terminator (Fox) March 3 Stargate Atlantis (SciFi) March 7 The Wire (HBO) March 9 Breaking Bad (AMC) March 16 Kyle XY (ABC Family) March 17 Lost (ABC) March 20 L Word (Showtime) March 23 Quarterlife (NBC) March 24 Jericho (CBS) March 25 In Treatment (HBO) March 25 BY TITLE: Boston Legal (ABC) Jan. 29 Breaking Bad (AMC) March 16 Brothers & Sisters (ABC) Jan. 27 Cashmere Mafia (ABC) Feb. 13 CSI (CBS) Jan. 10 CSI Miami (CBS) Jan. 14 Desperate Housewives (ABC) Jan. 6 ER (NBC) Jan. 17 Family Guy (Fox) Jan. 13 Friday Night Lights (NBC) Feb. 8 Gossip Girl (CW) Jan. 9 Grey’s Anatomy (ABC) Jan. 10 In Treatment (HBO) March 25 Jericho (CBS) March 25 Kyle XY (ABC Family) March 17 L Word (Showtime) March 23 Las Vegas (NBC) Feb. 22 Law & Order: SVU (NBC) Jan. 22 Life Is Wild (CW) Jan. 20 Lost (ABC) March 20 Medium (NBC) March 3 Monk (USA) Feb. 22 Moonlight (CBS) Jan. 18 My Name Is Earl (NBC) Jan. 10 NCIS (CBS) Jan. 15 Nip/Tuck (FX) Feb. 19 Prison Break (Fox) Feb. 18 Psych (USA) Feb. 15 Quarterlife (NBC) March 24 Samantha Who? (ABC) Feb. 18 Scrubs (NBC) Feb. 14 Stargate Atlantis (SciFi) March 7 Terminator (Fox) March 3 30 Rock (NBC) Jan. 10 The Wire (HBO) March 9 Ugly Betty (NBC) Jan. 24 Without A Trace (CBS) Jan. 17 Women’s Murder Club (ABC) Jan. 4 This isn’t quite everything, as not all finale dates have been decided. Also, Fox plans to have three scripted series – “Bones,” “Canterbury’s Law” and “New Amsterdam” – airing until April or May.

Fox and MGM have knocked 48-50% off a number of their series titles, including: $15.49 The Die Hard Trilogy $30.99 Rocky: The Complete Saga $34.99 The Addams Family: The Complete Series $69.99 Angel: The Complete Series $74.99 Family Guy: Party Pack $19.99 Land of the Giants: The Complete Series $145.99 The James Bond Ultimate Collector’s Set $164.99 Stargate SG-1: The Complete Series

Sony has organized a 2Fer sale. Buy two or more and you could get: * MTV’s complete 2003 “Spider-Man” series for $9.50, * the complete series of the “The Tick” for $11, * “Soap” season-sets for $11 each, * “All in the Family” season sets for $11 each * “Newsradio” season-sets for $14.75 each, * “Seinfeld” season-sets for $18 each, and * “Not Just The Best of The Larry Sanders Show” for $18.75. Lots of others too. Find 171 titles in the 2Fer Sale HERE!!

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