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I am – Hercules!!
Print and save: BY DATE: According To Jim (ABC) Jan. 1 Biggest Loser (NBC) Jan. 1 Just For Laughs (ABC) Jan. 1 Law & Order (NBC) Jan. 2 Make Me A Supermodel (Bravo) Jan. 2 Power of 10 (CBS) Jan. 2 Supernanny (ABC) Jan. 2 Whacked Out Videos (MyNet) Jan. 2 Wife Swap (ABC) Jan. 2 Celebrity Apprentice (NBC) Jan. 3 Flash Gordon (SciFi) Jan. 4 How To Look Good Naked (Lifetime) Jan. 4 Matched In Manhattan (Lifetime) Jan. 4 1 Vs. 100 (NBC) Jan. 4 Stargate Atlantis (SciFi) Jan. 4 Top This Party (Lifetime) Jan. 4 Ugliest House on the Block (WE) Jan. 4 World’s Most Amazing Videos (Spike) Jan. 4 Alien Abductions (WE) Jan. 5 American Gladiators (NBC) Jan. 6 Cashmere Mafia (ABC) Jan. 6 King of the Hill (Fox) Jan. 6 L-Word (Showtime) Jan. 6 Wire, The (HBO) Jan. 6 Dance War (ABC) Jan. 7 Medium (NBC) Jan. 7 Guinea Pig (SciFi) Jan. 8 Life Of Ryan (MTV) Jan. 8 One Tree Hill (CW) Jan. 8 Parking Wars (A&E) Jan. 8 Rob & Big (MTV) Jan. 8 Street Patrol (MyNet) Jan. 8 Ghost Hunters (SciFi) Jan. 9 Celebrity Rehab (VH1) Jan. 10 Monk (USA) Jan. 11 My Big Redneck Wedding (CMT) Jan. 11 Psych (USA) Jan. 11 Real Time With Bill Maher (HBO) Jan. 11 Comanche Moon (CBS) Jan. 13 Rock of Love (VH1) Jan. 13 Scott Baio Is 46 and Pregnant (VH1) Jan. 13 Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (Fox) Jan. 13 Kyle XY (ABC Family) Jan. 14 Prison Break (Fox) Jan. 14 American Idol (Fox) Jan. 15 10 Items Or Less (TBS) Jan. 15 Reno 911 (CC) Jan. 16 Battle of the Bods (Fox Reality) Jan. 20 Breaking Bad (AMC) Jan. 20 My Fair Brady (VH1) Jan. 20 Wildfire (ABC Family) Jan. 21 Millionaire Matchmaker (Bravo) Jan. 22 Moment of Truth (Fox) Jan. 23 Real World/Road Rules Challenge (MTV) Jan. 23 Pros Vs. Joes (Spike) Jan. 24 Gone Country (CMT) Jan. 25 Torchwood (BBCA) Jan. 26 In Treatment (HBO) Jan. 28 Eli Stone (ABC) Jan. 31 Lost (ABC) Jan. 31 New Adventures of Old Christine (CBS) Feb. 4 Paradise Hotel (MyNet) Feb. 4 Welcome To The Captain (CBS) Feb. 4 Lipstick Jungle (NBC) Feb. 7 Survivor (CBS) Feb. 7 Big Brother (CBS) Feb. 12 Jericho (CBS) Feb. 12 Baby Borrowers (NBC) Feb. 18 Quarterlife (NBC) Feb. 18 New Amsterdam (Fox) Feb. 22 BY TITLE: According To Jim (ABC) Jan. 1 Alien Abductions (WE) Jan. 5 American Gladiators (NBC) Jan. 6 American Idol (Fox) Jan. 15 Baby Borrowers (NBC) Feb. 18 Battle of the Bods (Fox Reality) Jan. 20 Big Brother (CBS) Feb. 12 Biggest Loser (NBC) Jan. 1 Breaking Bad (AMC) Jan. 20 Cashmere Mafia (ABC) Jan. 6 Celebrity Apprentice (NBC) Jan. 3 Celebrity Rehab (VH1) Jan. 10 Comanche Moon (CBS) Jan. 13 Dance War (ABC) Jan. 7 Eli Stone (ABC) Jan. 31 Flash Gordon (SciFi) Jan. 4 Ghost Hunters (SciFi) Jan. 9 Gone Country (CMT) Jan. 25 Guinea Pig (SciFi) Jan. 8 How To Look Good Naked (Lifetime) Jan. 4 In Treatment (HBO) Jan. 28 Jericho (CBS) Feb. 12 Just For Laughs (ABC) Jan. 1 King of the Hill (Fox) Jan. 6 Kyle XY (ABC Family) Jan. 14 Law & Order (NBC) Jan. 2 Life Of Ryan (MTV) Jan. 8 Lipstick Jungle (NBC) Feb. 7 Lost (ABC) Jan. 31 L-Word (Showtime) Jan. 6 Make Me A Supermodel (Bravo) Jan. 2 Matched In Manhattan (Lifetime) Jan. 4 Medium (NBC) Jan. 7 Millionaire Matchmaker (Bravo) Jan. 22 Moment of Truth (Fox) Jan. 23 Monk (USA) Jan. 11 My Big Redneck Wedding (CMT) Jan. 11 My Fair Brady (VH1) Jan. 20 New Adventures of Old Christine (CBS) Feb. 4 New Amsterdam (Fox) Feb. 22 One Tree Hill (CW) Jan. 8 1 Vs. 100 (NBC) Jan. 4 Paradise Hotel (MyNet) Feb. 4 Parking Wars (A&E) Jan. 8 Power of 10 (CBS) Jan. 2 Prison Break (Fox) Jan. 14 Pros Vs. Joes (Spike) Jan. 24 Psych (USA) Jan. 11 Quarterlife (NBC) Feb. 18 Real Time With Bill Maher (HBO) Jan. 11 Real World/Road Rules Challenge (MTV) Jan. 23 Reno 911 (CC) Jan. 16 Rob & Big (MTV) Jan. 8 Rock of Love (VH1) jan. 13 Scott Baio Is 46 and Pregnant (VH1) Jan. 13 Stargate Atlantis (SciFi) Jan. 4 Street Patrol (MyNet) Jan. 8 Supernanny (ABC) Jan. 2 Survivor (CBS) Feb. 7 10 Items Or Less (TBS) Jan. 15 Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (Fox) Jan. 13 Top This Party (Lifetime) Jan. 4 Torchwood (BBCA) Jan. 26 Ugliest House on the Block (WE) Jan. 4 Welcome To The Captain (CBS) Feb. 4 Whacked Out Videos (MyNet) Jan. 2 Wife Swap (ABC) Jan. 2 Wildfire (ABC Family) Jan. 21 Wire, The (HBO) Jan. 6 World’s Most Amazing Videos (Spike) Jan. 4

Fox and MGM have knocked 48-50% off a number of their series titles, including: $15.49 The Die Hard Trilogy $30.99 Rocky: The Complete Saga $34.99 The Addams Family: The Complete Series $69.99 Angel: The Complete Series $74.99 Family Guy: Party Pack $119.99 Land of the Giants: The Complete Series $145.99 The James Bond Ultimate Collector’s Set $164.99 Stargate SG-1: The Complete Series

Sony has organized a 2Fer sale. Buy two or more and you could get: * MTV’s complete 2003 “Spider-Man” series for $9.50, * the complete series of the “The Tick” for $11, * “Soap” season-sets for $11 each, * “All in the Family” season sets for $11 each * “Newsradio” season-sets for $14.75 each, * “Seinfeld” season-sets for $18 each, and * “Not Just The Best of The Larry Sanders Show” for $18.75. Lots of others too. Find 171 titles in the 2Fer Sale HERE!!

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