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One We Missed: CHUD’s Kickass TERMINATOR 4 Details!

Hey, everyone. ”Moriarty” here. I’ve been so busy this week that even though I read a great story posted by Devin Faraci over on CHUD, I forgot to link to it. And trust me... this is one that’s worth a talkback. I can’t get over the awkwardly silly title of TERMINATOR SALVATION: THE FUTURE BEGINS, which just seems excessive. But it sounds like something interesting is going on with the development of this one. Check out what Devin sent... you’ll see what I mean. And while you’re over at CHUD, you might check out this other piece by Devin, one of the best things he’s written in his time online.
Who is the lead character of Terminator 4? What familiar characters from the past show up? What kind of Terminators will we see? The answers are here!

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