Whoa! New Joker and Batman promo pics from THE DARK KNIGHT!!!
Published at: Dec. 3, 2007, 1:24 p.m. CST by headgeek
Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. I've been swabbing the deck of the Orca getting ready for the BNAT visitors. In my latest break I found a nice little email in the inbox from the guy who runs a Spanish Language site called Uruloki. It seems he has found himself some awesome promo images for THE DARK KNIGHT. But the owner of Uruloki has asked us to send y'all to these FLICKER sites: Pics Removed By Request of Warner Legal Dept. - so thanks to Felipe of Uruloki!!!
The Batman image isn't all that amazing. Sure, Bale looks great, but it's definitely not as new as seeing Heath Ledger's Joker. I gotta say... it's a departure, but one I'm starting to really dig. Add on to that the huge amount of trust I have in Christopher Nolan and you get one giddy seaman.
Okay, back to making the homestead presentable. Enjoy the pics below and click on any of the images to visit Uruloki.