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It's "Dagger of the Mind" On This Weekend's STAR TREK Remastered!! See Miniskirted Starfleet Shrinks & Cool Planetary Rings!!

Merrick here...
...with a shot from this weekend's STAR TREK Remastered episode. It's "Dagger of the Mind". This is the one in which Kirk & the gang chance across evil Dr. Tristan Addams, who...on the Tantalus Penal Colony... is using his newfangled Neural Neutralizer to "rehabilitate" (read: melt the brains of) inmates under his dominion. Marianna Hill is one of the guest stars in this week's episode. She plays Dr. Helen Noel, the Enterprise shrink previously banged by Jim Kirk after a Christmas party (HERE's a picture of her). If indications are correct, Hill is the cousin of U.S. General Norman Schwarzkopf (remember him?). I've always had a huge crush on Hill/Dr. Helen Noel...she entrances me in a "Please teacher, punish me!" sort of way. Ahhhh. Anyway....onto the episode... One of the big revisions made to this particular remastering is the presentation of the Tantalus colony itself. Originally, stock material was used from a previous episode called WHERE NO MAN HAS GONE BEFORE, which featured a sprawling refinery center (Lithium Cracking Station). Here's the image originally used:


Doesn't make a lot of sense for a penal colony. So, the remastering team went to work creating this alternative - which adds a planetary ring evocative of Chesley Bonestell.


HERE's a newly updated list of stations carrying the next wave of REMASTERED episodes. PLEASE NOTE that quite a few alterations have been made to this list; some stations & airtimes have changed altogether. So, if you've been watching these, be sure to check for changes in your area (the airtime shifted in my city by several hours). If you can't find a station near you, they can also be downloaded via iTunes and XBOX Live (where an increasing number of episodes are available in High Definition - the series is not shown in HD by many broadcasters). "Original" images from TrekCore Chesley Bonestell image swiped from
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