Ain't It Cool News (

Some Interesting Wrinkles

I am – Hercules!!
"Heroes" mastermind Tim Kring just told an audience at the New Yorker Fest that each episode of the spinoff “Heroes: Origins” will contain two stories! Also, “Heroes” staffer Jeph Loeb, formerly of “Smallville” and “Lost,” will apparently script one of the “Origins” episodes. (Four of the six “Origins” episodes will will be created by big-screen writer-directors; could this mean the 49-year-old Loeb also intends to make his directorial debut?) Alexander Zalben of writes:
Hey Herc, Love your work on the site... I just posted this news here for the blog I work for. But I thought your readers might be interested to know what Tim Kring had to say about Heroes: Origins on the Superheroes panel. Specifically, that the series will have TWO stories per episode, and will play out like the Twilight Zone, meaning each story is a "cautionary tale." A wee bit more info at the link above, and feel free to copy and paste if you want to use it. Thanks, and keep being awesome, Alex
"Heroes: Origins" premieres in April on NBC.

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