I’m gearing up to write my set report from my recent trip to Prague, but as a way of teasing that report, Disney was kind enough to send over a batch of PRINCE CASPIAN concept images that Howard Berger handpicked out of all the work that’s been done on the film.

I spent a fair amount of time talking to Howard while I was in Prague, and as always, I thought he was a blast. He loves what the Narnia films allow him to work on, and his kids are a big part of that, completely amazed at the world their dad is helping to bring to life.

Even though they see behind the scenes all the time and even though their dad does make-up for a living, they still seemed to be impressed by it when they were on-set. I don’t blame them at all. I thought Howard’s work was a lot of fun to look at, and it seems like the entire world in this film is darker, more menacing.

It’s an older Narnia, both story-wise and tone-wise. And I think these images really give you some of that flavor.

I spent two days on location with this cast and crew, and I’ll have that report for you very soon. I’ll just say this for now... it’s going to be a very different film than the first one.

Thanks to Tim at Disney for the images, and to Howard for picking them out for us.

Drew McWeeny, Los Angeles

Drew McWeeny, Los Angeles