AICN EXCLUSIVE!! Learn How ANGEL’s Sixth Season Begins!!
Published at: Sept. 17, 2007, 3:25 a.m. CST by hercules
I am – Hercules!!
Hot on the heels of Joss Whedon’s hugely popular “Buffy: Season Eight” series for Dark Horse Comics (consistently the publisher’s top-selling title since its launch last March) comes a Whedon-supervised “Angel: Season Six” funnybook series for IDW.
“Angel: After The Fall” doesn’t launch till November, but IDW publisher/editor-in-chief Chris Ryall was good enough to make available to Ain’t It Cool exclusively the first five pages of the tale. They’re lowish-rez 72 dpi, but still sharp enough that one can make out what happened to Los Angeles after Angel, Illyria, Spike, Krevlornswath, et al made their final stand against Marcus Hamilton and his Senior Partner masters.
Special shout out to Roland, AICN’s business chief, for his patience in sorting out some vexing technical issues!