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Images From The Set Of HANCOCK!! See Will On His Butt & Theron Lifting Trucks!!

Merrick here...
KaNkeRhOnD Extraordinaire sent in some photos from the filming of HANCOCK. This is the angsty, not-entirely-squeaky-clean superhero movie that was once called TONIGHT, HE COMES. That sounded kind of like a porn title, so they changed it to HANCOCK...which could also be twisted to sound like a porn title if one was smutty enough (which, evidently, I am if I noticed this). Not sure what's going on in these shots. I hadn't heard anything about Theron's character being a superhero in this I don't know what she's doing hoisting up that bigass truck. Maybe it's a dream/imagination sequence or something? The film is directed by Peter Berg (THE KINGDOM, FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS, THE RUNDOWN) and is co-written by Berg and John August (who is also scripting the new SHAZAM movie). Anyway, here are the pics. Thanks a ton to KaNkeRhOnD Extraordinair for sending them in...we really appreciate it.

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