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Movie News

Why So Serious?? Because There's A DARK KNIGHT Teaser Online!!

Merrick here...
Earlier today, Moriarty posted THIS PIECE about a site called Why So Serious? It was quickly assumed that the site was part of THE DARK KNIGHT's viral marketing campaign, which began a while back with the "I Believe In Harvey Dent" sites that ultimately revealed our first true look at Ledger as The Joker. Turns out, Why So Serious has its own secrets to hide...


This is a slow damn download, by the way. This is a slicker, officialer version of the clumsily filmed teaser that's recently been making the rounds on YouTube. And, of course, here's a new picture of Joker being adorable and funny...

He reminds me of one of my ex-girlfriends. At least life is interesting...

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