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Rest In Peace Laszlo Kovacs

Hey guys. Quint here to pass along some sad news. Cinematographer Laszlo Kovacs died last weekend. He went peacefully, in his sleep, at the age of 74. His credits are numerous. He shot EASY RIDER and the Jack Nicholson trip of a movie PSYCH-OUT as well as some of my favorite 70s crime movies, like FREEBIE & THE BEAN and the James Caan/Peter Boyle film SLITHER. Also on his resume is PAPER MOON, SHAMPOO, F.I.S.T., SAY ANYTHING and GHOSTBUSTERS. It was probably with GHOSTBUSTERS that I first noticed his name. I love the look of that film. The colors jump, but he also captured the grit of '80s New York. The Hungarian born director survived the Nazis and the Cold War. He was a student in Budapest when the riots against the Communist regime rose up. He, alongside lifelong friend and likewise brilliant cinematographer Vilmos Zsigmond (CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND, BLOW OUT, etc), picked up a camera and shot footage of the riots. He then escaped his warring country and came to the US as a political refugees and his footage was aired on CBS in a documentary narrated by Walter Cronkite. The man led a long and fascinating life and he's left behind an amazing legacy. My thoughts are with Mr. Kovacs' friends, family and fans.

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