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Adama: The Early Years!!

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Written by Michael Taylor and directed by Wayne Rose and Felix Alcala, "these shorts will provide a sneak peek into the original Cylon War, when a young pilot named William Adama (Nico Cortez) discovers a dangerous Cylon weapon that will come back to haunt him and his crew 40 years later," SCI FI revealed. They will also be included in the DVD release of "Razor."
Read all of the story here. UPDATE!! From SyFy Portal:
SciFi Channel announced that "Razor," which will be made available on DVD a short time later, will air on the network Nov. 24. The shorts, written by Michael Taylor and directed by Wayne Rose and Felix Alcala, apparently were part of the original script that were cut because of time from the final movie, a source tells SyFy Portal. The scenes featured in the promotional cuts will be included in the uncut movie release on DVD as part of the overall movie.
Read all of SyFy Portal's story here.

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