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Movie News

Advance Ticket Sales and STAR WARS EPISODE ONE!

Hey folks, Harry Here. Over at STARWARS.COM they have just put up a story addressing the exhibition of new chapter in the Star Wars Saga.

It discusses the issues of Digital Sound auditoriums and how the theaters in your area will be chosen, but what most interested me was the following paragraph...

"Although this issue is still being discussed, we believe the best way to make tickets available, to be fair to all of you, is on a same day - first come, first serve basis for the first two weeks. Our biggest fear is that if we sell tickets in advance, scalping will take place and you and your families would either not be able to get tickets or would have to pay above face value. We feel this is totally out of line with our concept of the Star Wars experience. Tickets would go on sale each morning for that day's performance. After the first two weeks we would allow advance sales. We understand and regret that waiting in line may cause some inconvenience, but we feel scalping or auctioning off of tickets would create a greater disservice to families and fans. Please stay tuned to the Web site for further updates," Sherak says.

Basically... this means... THE LINES ARE ON! And I'm so happy, I'm ready to plant mounds of dung in the place I sit. My biggest fear wasn't just SCALPING, but corporations and businesses that would approach theaters and buy out entire screenings. Don't laugh, this happened in Austin when RETURN OF THE JEDI: SPECIAL EDITION opened. It sucked tremendously as folks that had been in line for tens of hours were kept from the first screening that day. There was so much anger focused there... that if it had been A NEW HOPE or EMPIRE... I wouldn't be surprised if the theater had been burnt to the ground.

Sure... Now you'll have to work to get in DAY ONE, TWO, THREE... through NINE. It'll be hours spent with your fellow Star Wars lovers. Oooooh the agony! (Sarcasm) But ya know... I wouldn't have it any other way personally. Star Wars is about fandom and the coolest of things on a silver screen. It's not only why theaters are built, but also... it's why we line up. See ya in line folks!

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