UPDATED 2:06 PM CST USA 05.19.07
Merrick again...
CBS has released a message to fans of JERICHO via the JERICHO message boards on CBS.com.
The message reads thusly:
To the fans of Jericho:
We have read your emails over the past few days and have been touched by the depth and passion with which you have expressed your disappointment. Please know that canceling a television series is a very difficult decision. Hundreds of people at the Network, the production company and the incredibly-talented creative team worked very hard to build and serve the community for this show -- both on-air and online. It is a show we loved too.
Thank you for supporting Jericho with such passion. We truly appreciate the commitment you made to the series and we are humbled by your disappointment. In the coming weeks, we hope to develop a way to provide closure to the compelling drama that was the Jericho story.
Nina Tassler, President of CBS Entertainment
Hmmm..."we hope to develop a way to provide closure"...what does this mean? Webisodes? Books? A TV movie (or conditional series of TV movies)? A miniseries? VERY interesting.
If I had to bet, I'd say they're considering a means of resolving the story that wouldn't necessarily commit them to a complete reactivation of the series; i.e. webisodes, and so forth. This would dovetail with the network's previous use webisodes to set up the series' back story/periphery stories. This is just a guess, though - I have no hint of what they're actually contemplating at this time.
EVEN THOUGH THIS APPEARS TO BE POSITIVE MOTION, I WOULD STRONGLY ADVISE FULL-ON CONTINUANCE OF EFFORTS TO SAVE THE SHOW (see below for details). It's critical The Powers That Be do not perceive the fan base as wavering, or as being easily placated. It's a simple equation: the more they hear from fans, the more fans are likely to receive.
By the way, the online petition to save the show now has roughly 51,600 signatures on it. Yesterday around this time, it had approximately 42,600. Pretty cool.
As a side note to CBS, we've received a great deal of impassioned e-mail regarding the series here at AICN. The fans really, truly do appreciate your consideration of this. They really do.
More info as more comes in.

UPDATED 5:06 PM 05.18.07
Merrick again...
..with a bit of insight immediately pertinent to the "Save JERICHO" campaign.
I've been contacted by several learned individuals who strongly indicate that PHYSICALLY MAILED LETTERS ARE CONSIDERED IN A HIGHER REGARD THAN E-MAILS, ON-LINE PETITIONS, ETC.
Electronic forms of communication are certainly noted, but might be perceived as too easy, too knee jerk. Physical letters...written, addressed, stamped, etc...are viewed as representing more sincerity, dedication, effort, and commitment. Physical letters also decrease the likelihood of the same person sending multiple messages (on-line, there would be issue of multiple screen names, and whatnot). To be fair, if a network is being asked to make such a massive commitment, it deserves to know how big its potential audience really is.
As much of the "Save JERICHO" effort thus far as been electronically focused, I thought I'd pass this information along for your consideration.
The CBS folks who should receive such letters:
Mr. Kelly Kahl
Senior Exec VP of Programming
CBS Television Network
51 West 52nd St.
New York, NY 10019
Ms. Nina Tassler, President
CBS Entertainment
7800 Beverly Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90039-2112
I know fans of the show are encouraging supporters to deluge CBS with nuts. An amusing notion, to be sure, but a simple letter would undoubtedly have the greatest meaning.
This said, CBS is more than welcome to ship potential mountains of nuts to the staff of AICN. We'd have no problem with that, especially salted ones or cashews.
More info as more comes in.