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Movie News

This WATCHMEN film is getting Reelz!!!

Hey folks, Harry here... In the not too distant future - I'll be shooting a pilot here in Austin for REELZ CHANNEL - and we're all getting quite excited about it. It's a channel that's going to be sweeping across the U.S. hitting Los Angeles and New York, very soon - and then hopefully everywhere else soon after. Those of you on DIRECT TV know of what I speak. BUT today, it is their Online presence I'm talking about and their interview with Zach Snyder - that's exclusively about WATCHMEN. Looks like we're getting Gerard Butler in an as yet, unidentified part. It will be R-rated and it will be a long film. Wanna know more? Click below and see the man speak for yourself. Here ya go...

Click Here To Watch REELZ CHANNEL's Interview with Zach Snyder on WATCHMEN!!!

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