Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. We've been following Patrick Read Johnson's 5-25-77 almost since the very beginning of the site. Right now it's not as flashy (ie backed up by the Weinsteins) as FANBOYS is, but I'm confident that the two are different enough to co-exist. The main difference is 5-25-77 takes place... 5-25-77, when Star Wars hit and changed everything, whereas FANBOYS is a late '90s movie about the excitement of seeing a new Star Wars movie. Gary Kurtz, producer of Star Wars and Empire, acts as producer of 5-25-77. This flick has been in the can for a while now, but a writer at a website called fancinematoday.com got a little scoop from director Johnson regarding the release of the film, in the form of a teaser poster. Johnson also added that more info will surface very soon. There's not a better time to release, in my opinion.