This is the best movie I've seen all year! Written Michael Polish and directed by his twin brother Mark, the story revolves around "Farmer"(Brilliantly played by Billy Bob Thornton.) an everyman with dreams of launching his own home-made rocket built from obsolete spacecraft. A former pilot who was chosen for the astronaut program until fate intervened with the death of his father and he had to abandon his plans, but never his dreams. His friends laugh and ridicule him. He faces foreclosure on his land and cattle. He's under a psych evaluation by his former high school prom date that thinks he's nuts. The F.B.I. believe he's building a WMD in his backyard. The F.A.A. drown him in red tape after he's filed his flight plan just to make sure he doesn't get off the ground. But, its his loving wife and family that stand by his side and believe he can do it. Cast is first rate with Virginia Madsen playing Farmer's wife, "Audie." Bruce Dern as Farmer's father-in-law who gives sage advice, even by accident that sparks Farmer's imagination. The young actors portraying Farmer's kids are believable and adorable as they support their dad's wild dream. His 15 year old son, "Shepherd"(Named after Alan Shepherd, the first American into space.) runs his mission control and his daughters help him train on a carnival rocket ride he's rented while giving him healthy space food consisting of Lucky Charms with its colorful stars, moons and clovers; without the cereal. Even Mark Polish has a small part as a none-too-happy F.B.I. agent that stands out. Bruce Willis portrays a buddy of Farmer's that made it as an astronaut in an effective, low-key part. Doubting that Farmer will live through lift off he offers him a seat on the next space shuttle. Farmer has to follow through with his dream and declines. Tim Blake Nelson with character actors, Sal Lopez and Richard Edson portray Farmer's attorney, Pepe; Farmer's ranch hand and the local sheriff in solid, well-written roles. Director Michael Polish absorbs the viewer into Farmer's world seamlessly with the efforts of gifted cinematographer M. David Mullen's breathtaking wide open vistas and comfortable feeling of being there with the dreamer in his adventure. They compliment each other tremendously. The underlying theme of this movie isn't about space travel or having the "Right Stuff" but, its having faith in what you believe in when no one else believes in you. Uncapie