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Hester Mofet chews apart JUST THE TICKET

Ok folks, this is a SCATHING review, but I do want ya to know it was the only one I got, and it's from a first time contributor. Which means, we really aren't too familiar with his tastes yet. BUT I happen to be one of those people that believes that Andy Garcia is a wonderful... supporting actor, but wasn't really meant to carry a movie. I tend to love his small parts, and I tend to dislike his starring roles... I wish it weren't so, but that's my feelings on the man. I do, however, adore Andie McDowell, and she is enough to get me to watch the film. So... take this review with a grain of salt, we don't know at what stage this film was at the screening. It could still be a long ways from release.

Oh, man, did I come back from a winner. A movie that just absolutely wasn't afraid to be so terrible that I tossed and turned like an insomniac during the whole screening. The movie of which I speak is "Just the Ticket" with Andy Garcia and Andie "Dumbfounded" McDowell.

It is about a ticket scalper...yup, a ticket scalper. Before we continue, who the hell cares about the scalpers and their business? Not that the movie did a good job of showing us. It wasn't sure whether it wanted to be a romantic comedy or a "ticket-scalper-with-a-heart-of-gold" sentiment-fest.

Anger insued on my part as I watched cliche after cliche and uninteresting supporting character after uninteresting supporting character. Supposedly, this movie was 10 years in the making...10 YEARS?!?! There is a reason why the movie was delayed that long...the script is terrible...and Andy, my man, you have some great drama and action movie work under your belt, stay away from comedy, you just don't have the timing.

I couldn't wait to leave this movie and would have probably walked out if it wasn't a screening. Oh, and the other Andie, well, its not like she was disappointing since I have never been impressed by her acting...well, ok, I still was disappointed because she didn't even look good in this one.

Alright, I have trashed this one enough...I just thought that you guys who have dates this coming February would have a better chance of having a good time taking them to a gay porn theater than this flick. It will drain your soiree. And that's a guarantee.

Hester Moffet

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