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The Latest Look at Disney Animation from Sir Etch-A-Sketch

Harry here with the latest report from Sir Etch-A-Sketch. I wish he was giving me more on TREASURE PLANET and JOHN HENRY (hint hint), but hey beggars can't be choosers. It would be cool to see what that 'Disnified' version of my site looked like. I've received about 13 reports on the 'Townhouse' event from a month or two back, but none of the reports really went into detail about the actual video presentation, which is really what I'm most curious about. The 'Harry' bits don't really matter, it's the cool stuff coming from Disney that I want to hear about. And, if Sir Etch hadn't included some images with this report... well I wouldn't have put it up either. So folks let's stay focused on the cool stuff, groovy?

Hello Fearless One,

You would not believe the security nightmare over at Disney these reports are causing. My favorite part is interviewing folks and asking them if they are Sir Etch-A-Sketch. The big joke of it all is this. All that I am doing is providing good publicity for their animated products, it is not like I’m putting up images of that DOG called ‘Llama Llama’. Not I, I own stock in this company, wouldn’t dream of hurting it.

Lest you think everyone here in the land of mouse ears thinks you and I are evil, let me tell you about a recent event here at Disney that was attended by all the animation workers and a few of us marketing types. I was walking about looking like I was looking for spy gear, but I was quite focused on what Schumacher and Schneider were up to.

It was weird being on one of the big soundstages instead of the beloved Alex theater, but who am I to complain. The official types were droning on about downsizing of the animation staff, something about an ‘austerity program’ and then they said my name. Now Harry, I don’t know if you remember those old TALES OF SUSPENSE comics from the pre-Superhero stage, but my eyes did, what I call, the Steve Ditko terror look. When they began talking about Sir Etch-A-Sketch, it was all I could do to not crack out laughing like Whoopi Goldberg in the Lion King. Seems they are concerned with my personal opinions, and how I choose to cut a phrase. No doubt my anti-Rosie O rant chafed some posteriors, but you know Harry. I showed you where I was coming from on that. She does suck, and Tantor and his periscope trunk are up the same river. I voice it, because someone has to. I feel that the work Disney does is unmatched. As I watch sequences coming in to my department on TARZAN and FANTASIA 2000. Harry, it’s stunning. I just can’t stand to see how we (as a whole) can not see the tonal inconsistencies that pop up here and there in TARZAN. It is a near brilliant film, the perfect mix of what Gary Trousdale and Kirk Wise were attempting in HUNCHBACK, and the adventurous spirit that John Musker and Ron Clements did in ALADDIN.

You hit it dead on the mark with that TARZAN trailer, but enough of that. I will cool down before the upper management asks for any further Gestapo techniques. The saddest part out of all of this, is the continual assertion that I am an animator. I could not draw a pair of eyes the same way twice, but they continue to think I am some low level lead jockey. It is sad.

Back to the Townhouse. Harry, what happened after all the pontificating was so beautifully ironic, I nearly died. Schumacher pulled out a laptop and signed on to a Disnified version of your site. I have to get you a copy of this, it is hilarious. There with all of your headlines was “The Latest From Disney Animation”. Tom clicked on it and suddenly we were inundated with images from the future of DISNEY. Beautiful animation from DINOSAUR, TREASURE PLANET, FANTASIA 2000, ATLANTIS, TOY STORY 2, etc.

Then it struck me as I stood watching this, how could I be a ‘simple animator’ and have access to images to all of these projects? From Disney Paris, Florida, Burbank and Pixar I provide you with cool images. Yes, I am a simple animator. Right. Enjoy these images Harry.

Sir Etch-A-Sketch

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