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Well folks the force was sooo strong it killed my servers so I'm having my trusty allies get this up for you. There are two places you can go for the trailer this lovely geeky morning. The first is: The Official Star Wars Web Site Their servers are being blasted by millions of geeks around the globe. Their version of the trailer has the best image quality and sound. Really top notch. But they were not the first people with the trailer up. Just like when the Star Wars Special Edition trailers came out, the Australian site RED 5 was the brave soul that tracked it down. Well this time, the honor and glory and bravery goes to Lincoln and the Site. This trailer is not crystal clear, it isn't perfect audio.... but you know what... I think it's about 100 times cooler than the official scanned one. Why? Well this copy has... what I call, an 'AWE TRACK'! You can hear the audience, the trailer is in mpeg form, which if you have the right software... well it looks like great full screen. In addition if you poke around their site, you'll see some 40 screen grabs from the trailer.

I do have to tell you this. I'm working up a review of the film trailer... it's really really gonna be long. But, I have this bit of advice. Download the trailer. Get both of them. But don't watch either. Put them somewhere on your harddrive, then wait... wait till you see it in a theater, wait for the music to kill you, the sound effects and the true AWE TRACK in surround sound. The audiences I have heard from have been noisy as hell when the Fox logo comes up, and as it... fades to black at the end, but between.... Well, it's been Sunday Mass in every theater showing it. Soooo enjoy... I'll be updating later in the day. I've got to geek with my friends. I'm sorry, but... well I'm a geek first and a responsible site administrator last.

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