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On Set Report For Sam Raimi's FOR THE LOVE OF THE GAME!!!

Ok folks.... Here is a spy by the name of Ducky. I don't know if Lea Thompson was his girlfriend, or if he managed her career, but what I can tell you is I sense that this Ducky fella... well, I sense he LOVES movies. Watch how he pays attention to what's happening, how he's upbeat when those around him are not. Now I know a lot of you are probably wondering why on earth SAM RAIMI is doing a baseball movie. Well, it's really quite simple. He loves Baseball. I talked with someone close to Sam a while back, and he said that Sam is just in love with the sport, and wanted to make a film that showed that. Well, if he can show his love for baseball as easily as he shows his love for Deadites and flying eyeballs... well we could be in for a wonderful film. And that's coming from a guy that groans when I hear about a new Costner film. Though with this and 13 DAYS... Costner has a couple of legitimatly GREAT projects. And I have to wish him my best, cause I want to see good movies made from the material. So here's Ducky's first report. Let's hope we'll see more.

I am currently a featured extra in the new KEvin Costner film, "For the Love of the Game" and thought I would give you this report from the 18 day shoot at Yankee Stadium in the Bronx, NY. I honestly don't know if this is the kind of report you want, but I thought I would send it to you anyway to let you know about the movie and what's going on on the set.

"For the Love of the Game", as you probably know, is about Billy Chappel, a washed up pitcher (Kevin Costner) who is in the middle of pitching the baseball game of his career (a perfect game, for which there have only been 14 in the entire 127 years of baseball.) During this game, he reflects back on his life and his career. The game is between the Detroit Tigers and the New York Yankees. Costner, ironically enough, plays a Tiger. Which makes me happy, because I am not a big Kevin Costner fan. But I am sure most of the extras may be unhappy if the movie ends like the book. Since most of the extras are from New York, and well you know how New York loves their sports teams!

I arrived on the set on Wednesday, October 28. It was extremely cold, however my friend, who went with me, and myself could withstand the cold because we enjoy the movies, almost as much as you do, Harry, and knew we were taking part in the making of a major motion picture. However, many of the extras complained about the weather, since they had to remove their jackets whenever we shot, since the game takes place on an afternoon in July. Oh well, it sucks to be those who complained and basically just showed up to be in a movie, not realizing the long hours and compromises one has to make to be in the film.

Costner was there on Wednesday, to shoot some footage of him throwing from the mound to his catcher, Gus Sinski, played by John C. Reilly from "What's Eating Gilbert Grape?" and "Boogie Nights." The most amusing thing happened this day, because the extras gave Costner a very warm reception, and he acknowledged by waving and bowing. Then he threw some great pitches, and the catcher threw the ball to the shortstop who totally missed (you can tell they are hired actors and not real ball players). Costner, in the middle of filming, just started to laugh his butt off, so they had to call cut and yell, "BACK TO ONE."

Then Costner totally miffed a pitch, and so everyone started booing him. So he walked over to the dugout, looked up at all of the extras who were sitting along the third base line and said, "I feel a lot of hate in this house." Which was amusing because of the Yankees fans who are very hateful.

Kelly Preston is also in the film, and she showed up on Thursday. She wore a long black coat, that almost covered a short brown skirt. And she looked so adorable running around the bases. She too gave a wave to the crowd.

So far the only footage we've shot is behind home plate and out in right and left fields. Believe me herding 2,000 people through Yankee stadium is a strenuous task.

By the way I have a seat in and around the home plate area, so look for me!!

Overall, it's been a pretty cool experience, the production crew has been very kind and has tried to treat all the extras with respect and make it fun. However, many of the extras are rude, which causes the crew to be rude. Oh well, sucks to be the rude people because the nice people get treated with kindness!!

Sam Rammi is the director, and on Wednesday he wore this outlandish suit. It was amusing because every day since then he's just worn a winter coat and regular clothes. I find it kind of strange that Sam Rammi, director of "Darkman" and "Evil Dead" is directing a baseball movie.

I just want to send a note of warning to those people interested in doing extra work. Realize that it's long hours, in sometimes inclement conditions. And that you may sit there for hours on end doing nothing. If you can't accept this then don't do it. As one P.A. said to someone who requested that the P.A. remove his coat, "I Don't want to be a movie star." When you're making a movie it takes time. It may be boring, but in the end it's definitely worth it.

I'm enjoying it Harry, and if you want I'll let you know if anything else exciting happens, so far it hasn't been that exciting, but it's been fun. And the great thing is that they aren't telling us how the movie ends.

you can call me Ducky.

Well DUCKY, I'd love to hear more from ya!!!

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