You order a fastball special? Hugh Jackman serves it up!!!
Published at: April 29, 2006, 1:20 a.m. CST by staff
Ahoy, squirts! Quint here with something really special! It appears a pretty big plot point was revealed by Hugh Jackman on Leno tonight. Thanks to the wide wide world of the internet, we have the clip he brought. I'm currently sitting in the Alamo Drafthouse downtown, sucking off the free wireless internet... so, the theater is extremely noisy as the crowd awaits the third and final film at QT Fest tonight, the one and only ROLLING THUNDER. I haven't heard any of the dialogue on the clip as a result of the noise level here, but the visuals are pretty impressive. The nit-picking comic book geek in me says that the fastball special isn't performed correctly, but... well, I'll let you see the thing. Potential spoilers for the pure! Enjoy!!!