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Folks Going To THE PROPOSITION Screening Tomorrow Night!!!

Hey folks, Harry here. Just assembled the list of folks that have gotten into THE PROPOSITION - I tell ya... You let an audience of geeks know about a badass Australian Western written and scored by Nick Cave and starring one helluva cast and bam bam... The short lead time melts away and the screening is packed. Here's the list of folks that will be getting into the screening at the Alamo Drafthouse South tomorrow night at 7pm. I would recommend getting there no less than about 45 minutes early. That way you get a fave seat. Not that there's a bad seat in the whole of the Drafthouse South. That theater is engineered to be Film Buff Delight. Can't wait to see this tomorrow, though tonight I see MISSION IMPOSSIBLE 3!

Russ Johnson
Kris Alexander
Jay Holzer (me)
Ashley Laycock
Jody Been
Dustin Laycock
Amanda Potter
Matt Walajtys
Adele Walajtys
Dale Hibbard-Hurshman
Bob Jonnes
David Harkey
James Froeschle
Gary Miller
Tara Miller
Joe Barker+1
Mike Rodriguez + 1
jesús deleón-serratos
kaleb williams
sundip lal...
Steve Hahn+1
Brian Holt
Chris Cox
steven ybarra
kiko martinez
cj flores
Bryant at Duncanplan + 1
Gregg Moore
Lora Gray
Laura Esparza
Shawn Hinkle
Ian Galloway
Jacob Schmidt
Dennis Crain
Emily Morris
Stephanie Smith
Steffon Manor
Ketryk Manor
Jeraine Manor
Robert Stafford
Ryan McKinlay
Mike Azzato
Laura Coco
Chris Mccoy
Troy Conzales
Bryan Evans-West
Rod Nunley
Evelyn Lalonde
Chris Henney
Chandler Parks
Vernon Smith
Ryan Kocian
Tillman Cavert
Jeremy Dunn
Matt Rodriguez
Sean Kelly
Sandhya Shardanand
Greg MacLennan +1
Tyeron Hammontree
Shiraz Jafri
Russell Lingo
Nancy Semin
David Dierksen
Alissa Denman
Roman Morales
Noelita Lugo
Peter Jordan+1
Maria Collins
Angela Arnold
Christian Bazan
Scott Kilpatrick
Ryan Williamson
Salman Butt
Erica Allis
Emit De La Rosa
Vincent Pina
Ian Prikryl + 1
Mr. Kendel W. Houts
Tim Norfolk
Brian Murphy
Janie Hotchkiss
Jimi Alden
April Burcham
Brian Miller
Jason Peeler
Russell Summers
Robert Van Delden
Matt Eckermann+1
Rick Parker
Diana Parker
Harry Russ
Andrew Wallace
Jeff Coleman
Reed Oliver
Victor DePasqual
Andreanna Moya
Christopher Ramirez
Keith Peffer
Robin Welch
Josh N.
Michael Polka
Jeff Amador
Eric Bueltel
Mike Yager
Sean McCoy
Nick Reed
Robert Eakin
Will Sherman
Emily Walsh
Carlos Rosales+1
Stephen Canner
Nick Scoulios
Mike McCutchen
Sandra Pacia
Ted O'Brien
Robert Jones
Renee DeSantis
Tim Hill
Eric Perez
John-Paxton Gremillion
Lara Carter
Jesse Trussell
John Carpenter+1
Rodolfo Rene Vargas
Paula Duran
Joshua Terry +1
Doug Benning
Julia Oglesby
David Faulkner
Mariena Faulkner
Robert Finger
John Murphy
Shauna Leveille
Austin Presley
Kevin Mayer
Joshua Smith
Doug Sutherland
Josh Baker
Beau Anderson
Michael Hedrick
Lauren Oholendt
Elaine Haygood
Matt McCaid
Lyndsey Anderson
Jeremy Dunn
Adam Patrick
Thomas Humphreys
Brent Joseph
Patrick O'Dell
Matthew J Ross
Sarah Farwel
Nick Ramirez
Daniel Mayfield
Adam Ross
Hannah Loesch
Loyal Gus Williams
Perry Meares
Bryce Meares
Joe Angell Ramirez
Angel Ramirez

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